Where is it legal to stop?


Advice For Drivers From The Highway Code

The precise interpretation of the rules of the road depends on the police officer or court enforcing them. However, to help you stay safe and within the law when giving lifts, here are Greenthumb's tips from the Highway Code.

They have been prepared with guidance from the Institute of Advanced Motorists whose help is greatly appreciated. If you'd like to make your motoring safer, more fun, and reduce your insurance premium, visit www.iam-bristol.org.uk.

The Highway Code uses the words 'must/must not' to indicate rules which are legal requirements. 'Should/should not' and 'do/do not' indicate advisory requirements. However, they may still lead to prosecution under other laws, e.g. for obstruction, if the safety of other road users is compromised.

Where Can I Stop?

You can stop to set down and pick up passengers:

  • For up to two minutes in a bus lane or 2+ lane in Bristol and South Gloucestershire, but not in North Somerset or BaNES bus lanes.


  • You may stop for passengers to board or alight on single or double yellow lines at any time.


  • You may stop for passengers to board or alight where there are restrictions on loading or unloading.


  • If your passenger has a blue disabled persons badge, you may set down or pick up on a red route.


  • The Highway Code stipulates that you should not park or drive in a cycle lane marked by a broken line, unless it is unavoidable. (So presumably it is permissable to set down and pick up there.)


  • You may stop to set down or pick up on an urban clearway.


  • You may stop on a road with double white lines in the middle to set down or pick up passengers.


  • You should not enter an area of white diagonal stripes that is bordered by a broken white line, unless it is necessary and you see that it is safe to do so. (So you may pick up here if these conditions are met.)


Where Must I Not Stop?

  • You must not stop on a motorway or the hard shoulder, except in an emergency. Pedestrians are not allowed on motorways, including slip roads, so do not set down or pick up there. N.B. The M32 M4 Junction is subject to motorway rules.
  • You must not stop on a pedestrian crossing, including the area marked by the zig-zag lines. N.B. This is points on your licence not a parking ticket!


  • You must not drive or park in a cycle lane marked by a solid white line. So presumably it is illegal to stop here.


  • You must not stop on a clearway.


  • You must not stop on the zig-zag lines outside a school, even to drop off children, during the hours specified on the adjacent sign.


  • You must not stop on a taxi bay indicated by upright signs and markings.


  • You must not stop in a tram lane during it's period of operation.


  • You must not stop on a bus stop marked by a thick single line.
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  • You must not enter an area of white diagonal stripes bordered by a solid white line, except in an emergency. Do not stop to pick up or set down here.